• Notice of the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province on printing and distributing the Overall Industrial Layout Plan of the Industrial Corridor of Harbin and Daqing
  • 2021-10-14

Notice of the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province on printing and distributing the Overall Industrial Layout Plan of the Industrial Corridor of Harbin and Daqing

日期:2021-10-14 来源:  Visits:

Greater Khinganling Regional Administrative Office, municipal and county people's governments, and units directly under the provincial government:

The Overall Industrial Layout Plan of the Industrial Corridor of Kazakhstan and Great Qi is hereby issued to you. Please implement it carefully。

October 27, 2005

Overall industrial layout plan of the industrial corridor of Kazakhstan and Great Qi

The Industrial corridor is an economic area with Harbin as the leader, Daqing and Qiqihar as the regional backbone, and includes Zhaodong, Anda and other cities along the route。Total area 2.1.18 million square kilometers, accounting for 4.67%;In 2004, the population was 802.990,000 people, the regional GDP of 260 billion yuan, accounting for 21 percent of the province.04% and 49%, the per capita GDP of 32,379 yuan, which is 2 percent of the provincial average.32 times, is the strongest economic strength in our province, the highest level of industrialization, the largest economic radiation force, the most obvious advantages of scientific and technological talents, for development and utilization of rich land resources in the area。

We will improve and rectify the land market nationwide,We will intensify macro-control,Under the background of strict control of construction land,In order to alleviate the contradiction between accelerated development and insufficient construction land in our province,The provincial Party Committee and the provincial government decided to develop and utilize a large area of heavy saline-alkali land and other unused land in the west of our province,Approved the Plan for the Development and Utilization of Heavy Saline-Alkali Land and Other Unused Land in Haddaqi Area of Heilongjiang Province,And report to the Ministry of Land and resources for the record,It provides a prerequisite for the construction of the industrial corridor between Kazakhstan and Daqi。

It is an important decision of the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government to construct the industrial corridor of Kazakhstan and Great Qi,It is to fully implement the scientific outlook on development,Conserve land resources,Improve the ecological environment,Strategic initiatives to achieve sustainable development,Make full use of the advantages of our province,Build industrial agglomeration areas and investment promotion platforms,In a new round of industrial adjustment and industrial transfer to enhance the industrial level,Foster new economic growth points,Achieve leapfrog development,We will promote the realization of the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects,Both have important and far-reaching strategic significance。

This plan is based on the strategic decision made by the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government to speed up the construction of the industrial corridor,It is prepared on the basis of the Development and Utilization Plan of Heavy Saline-alkali Land and other Unused Land in Haddaqi Area of Heilongjiang Province, which has been approved by the provincial government,And pay attention to the "Heilongjiang Province old industrial base revitalization master plan" and the relevant special planning。The planning scope includes 921 square kilometers of heavy saline-alkali land and other unused land and a small amount of agricultural land in Harbin, Daqing, Qiqihar, Zhaodong and Anda。The industrial layout of the planning will focus on equipment manufacturing, petrochemical, food, medicine, and high-tech industries, and take modern logistics and other service industries as guarantees to seek coordinated economic development of the whole region。The main task of the plan is to clarify the overall thinking and strategic positioning of the construction of the industrial corridor in Daqing and Daqing, determine the scope of development and construction of the recent and start-up areas and the leading direction of industrial development, and put forward the framework of policy measures to accelerate the construction。The planning period is from 2005 to 2010, with an outlook to 2020。

1. Basic conditions

Regional advantage。First, it has a strong industrial foundation。Within a distance of more than 280 kilometers, there are three large and medium-sized cities and two national high-tech industrial development zones, which have formed an industrial base focusing on four major industries, namely equipment, petrochemical, food and medicine。Second, it has a strong advantage in scientific and technological talents。The three cities have concentrated many scientific research forces and human resources in the province, and there are 40 colleges and universities, accounting for 72 of the province's total.7%。The strength of scientific and technological talents in the forefront of the province has provided talent guarantee for the construction of the industrial corridor of Kazakhstan and Daqing。Third, there are rich land resources。Between the three cities, there are a large number of heavy saline-alkali land and other unused land for development and construction。Fourth, the transportation is convenient。Binzhou Railway and Suiman Highway run through the whole territory, together with Tongsan, Mingshen, Jingjia Highway, Jingha, Tongrang, Pingqi Railway and Harbin, Qiqihar airport together constitute a complete comprehensive transportation network。

Domestic environment。The revitalization strategy of Northeast China and other old industrial bases was further implemented, and the state increased its support policies for major grain-producing areas,It provides a rare and historic opportunity for the construction of the industrial corridor between Kazakhstan and Daqi.Industrial structure of our country enters a period of rapid adjustment,Heavy chemical industry products market space is huge,The equipment, petrochemical, food and pharmaceutical industries that adapt to domestic consumption structure and industrial structure upgrading and have comparative advantages in the industrial corridor face rare market opportunities;China's economic growth is increasingly constrained by the bottleneck of land, resources and environment,The advantages of attracting foreign investment and industrial agglomeration are more prominent in the Hada-Qi Industrial Corridor, an area with strong industrial foundation, rich resources and sufficient energy。

International environment。The trend of economic globalization is increasing,Regional integration and industrial transfer have been further accelerated,Russia's economy is on a growth trajectory,Economic, trade and scientific and technological cooperation with China has been intensified,It will help the Industrial corridor to make greater use of international capital, resources, technologies and markets,To undertake international industrial transfer;The new technological revolution, led by information technology, life science and new materials, has accelerated,The industrial corridor of Daqing and Qi is guided by high and new technology,Transform and upgrade traditional industries,Develop high-tech industries,The realization of leapfrog development provides important opportunities。

Restrictive factor。Due to the historical and natural factors and the existing system and mechanism, the construction of the industrial corridor in Daqing and Qi is faced with four constraints。First, the overall quality of the economy is not high, the degree of industrial agglomeration is low, the ability of regional supporting cooperation is weak, the core technology is lacking, there are not many strategic entrepreneurs, and the regional competitiveness advantage has not yet formed。Second, the infrastructure of the start-up area is still very weak, geographically in the closed flow area, and the environmental capacity of sewage discharge is low。Third, the ability to coordinate the development of the secondary and tertiary industries is weak, the production service industry such as modern logistics, investment and financing services, science and technology intermediaries, and management consulting in the central city is underdeveloped, and the advanced factor gathering function is not strong。Fourth, limited by the administrative system, the integrated allocation mechanism of resources has not been established, and people's ideas and enterprises' market awareness are still difficult to meet the needs of increasing international and domestic competition。

Second, the general idea

1. Development orientation。

The connotation and positioning of the industrial corridor between Kazakhstan and Daqi are,Through the development and utilization of heavy saline-alkali land and other unused land,Relying on the existing industrial base, industrial advantages and scientific and educational talent resources,Efforts to attract domestic and foreign capital, technology,We will develop a variety of industries to coordinate with each other,New system, high-tech, export-oriented, ecological,Industrial highland and economically intensive area with reasonable structure and rapid growth,It has become the core area of revitalizing the old industrial base in our province and the leading area to achieve the goal of well-off society in an all-round way。

(2) Guiding ideology。

Adhere to the scientific outlook on development,In accordance with the overall requirements of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government to build the industrial corridor of Kazakhstan and Great Qi,Seize the historic opportunity of the state to support the revitalization of the old industrial base in Northeast China,Institutional innovation, institutional innovation and scientific and technological innovation as driving forces,Speed up opening up to the outside world,Integrate resources in the region,Manage the relationship between inside and outside the corridor,Realize effective allocation of resources;Developing the non-public sector of the economy will be the mainstay,Highlight foresight and industry relevance,We will promote the development of industrial clusters and enterprise clusters,We will promote the scale of high-tech industries and the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries.To the efficient use of resources as the core,Vigorously develop the circular economy,Strive to build a new type of industrialization corridor。

(3) Basic principles。

-- Adhering to the principle of regional economic integration。Break the boundaries of administrative divisions, carry out unified industrial layout planning, give play to the agglomeration function and radiation role of Harbin, Daqing and Qiqihar, and rationally allocate production factors。The cities in the corridor should give full play to their comparative advantages, highlight their characteristics, activate the stock, optimize the increment, make the local "treasure of the town" and "treasure of the town area" bigger and stronger, and comprehensively improve the overall competitiveness of the regional economy。

-- Adhering to the principle of following a new path of industrialization。Leading industrial development with high and new technology,We will strive to enhance our capacity for independent innovation,More choose to digest innovation, integrated innovation based innovation,We will actively develop industries such as new materials, biopharmaceuticals, electronic information, aviation technology and equipment manufacturing,To cluster these industries in industrial corridors,We will strive to build an influential national high-tech industrial belt。

-- Adhering to the principle of using new systems and mechanisms for development and construction。Vigorously introduce private capital and foreign investment, through investment attraction, open development, let the non-public economy become the main force in the construction of industrial corridors, and actively undertake domestic and foreign industry and capital transfer。We will actively transform government functions, relax policies on market access and the flow of factors of production, streamline administrative approval items, strengthen government service functions, reduce service costs, and improve service efficiency。

-- Adhering to the principle of centralized development and rolling development。Industrial corridor development and construction investment is huge, to take small start-up, step by step implementation of the way, rolling development。Priority should be given to the construction of core industrial areas and key projects, centralized management of projects, and further expansion on this basis, so that the early industry drives the later industry, the leading industry drives related industries, upstream products drive downstream products, and gradually form a different type of industrial development pattern with different characteristics。

-- Adhering to the scientific outlook on development and the principle of developing a circular economy。There are many severe saline-alkali areas in the region, and the ecology is fragile. Therefore, it is necessary to give priority to governance, strengthen ecological construction and environmental protection, build a material circulation model, lengthen the resource and energy utilization chain, and combine them with related industries, recycle and clean production, so as to achieve coordinated development of economy, society and ecological environment。

-- Adhering to the principle of joint construction by the central and local governments。Actively tap their own potential, give full play to their comparative advantages, jointly build and share with large enterprises in China and direct, win-win cooperation, and strive for national support, combined with Daqing resource-based city economic transformation pilot, and actively strive for China National Petroleum Corporation and other enterprises to support the petrochemical industry in the industrial corridor of Harbin and Daqing。

-- Adhering to the principle of strict checks and land use in accordance with the law。In accordance with the current national land policy and provincial and municipal land utilization plans, urban planning, on the basis of the development and utilization plans of heavily saline-alkali land and other unused land, as far as possible to occupy less agricultural land。

-- Adhering to the principle of integrating urbanization with urbanization。As an important part of the urban expansion and urbanization development of our province, the construction of the industrial corridor of Harbin and Daqing is interdependent, mutual promotion and coordinated development, so as to make it a modern new urban area with economic prosperity and good ecology。

4. Development goals。

Long-term goal: by 2020,Take 15 years,A total of 921 square kilometers of unused land and a small amount of agricultural land were developed and utilized,We will build an industrial corridor with obvious advantages in industrial clusters, rational distribution of productive forces, strong scientific and technological support, complete security systems and a good ecological environment,Make it become the main force of our province to participate in international and domestic competition。

Medium-term goal: By 2015, in 10 years, the development and utilization of heavy saline-alkali land and other unused land and a small amount of agricultural land reached 558 square kilometers, and the cultivation of equipment manufacturing, petrochemical, food, medicine, high-tech and modern logistics based service industry clusters。

Immediate target: by 2010,We will develop and utilize 251 square kilometers of unused land such as heavily saline-alkali land and a small amount of agricultural land over the past five years,It provides an excellent investment platform for domestic and foreign strategic investors to participate in the revitalization of our province's old industrial base, the development of private economy, the establishment of industrial cooperation supporting system, and the realization of industrial agglomeration。The planned investment is 221.5 billion yuan, of which 47.2 billion yuan is invested in infrastructure and 174.3 billion yuan is invested in industrial projects. It is expected to add 50 billion yuan to the regional GDP。In the near-term target, 9423 square kilometers will be designated as a start-up area to complete infrastructure construction this year and next, and a certain number of enterprises will start construction or complete construction, so as to achieve investment, appearance, enterprises and increase。Of this, 66.8 billion yuan is planned for investment this year and next, including 19.8 billion yuan in infrastructure investment and 47 billion yuan in industrial projects, with an expected increase in regional GDP of 15 billion yuan。

(5) Construction mode。

Starting from the local reality and drawing lessons from domestic and foreign experience, the development and construction of the industrial corridor of Kazakhstan and Daqing adopt the following models。

-- Unified planning, zoning (park) construction。Break down administrative boundaries,The province makes the master plan,Each city in the corridor is responsible for the detailed control planning of the park,And organize specific implementation,In order to give full play to the role of Harbin, Daqing and Qiqihar regional central cities,Relying on the existing development zones, it extends to Zhaodong City and Anda City respectively,Realize complementary advantages,Resource sharing,Joint development and construction。

-- Government guidance and market-based operation。Establish a development and construction legal person, use government start-up funds and national development Bank loans in a market-oriented way to build the park's infrastructure construction, and create a platform for investment promotion;Planning, industrial policies and preferential policies to guide the market economy to build industrial corridors。

-- Enterprise-oriented, unified and divided。The layout of the park, the direction of industrial development, infrastructure such as roads, water supply and drainage, communication and modern logistics shall be planned by the government. If conditions permit, the park may also carry out unified infrastructure construction.The project into the area shall be independently decided by the enterprise, and the enthusiasm of all aspects shall be mobilized for development and construction。

-- Releasing energy, expanding and developing advantages。Seize the opportunity of state-owned enterprise restructuring and urban "backward two into three", take the two state-level high-tech industrial development zones and large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises in the Hada-Qi Industrial Corridor as important industrial nodes, fully release their energy, extend and expand industries and projects, attract foreign investors, and jointly develop and construct。

-- Packaging overall brand, joint investment development。The Hada-Qi industrial corridor as a whole concept of unified packaging, to play a brand, unified organization of promotion, joint investment, development and construction in different sectors, to improve the level and effect of investment。

Third, development direction

Relying on the original foundation, give full play to comparative advantages, and highlight the integrated development of industrial chains and advantageous industries。

(1) Equipment manufacturing industry。

Based on major projects,We will continue to integrate the introduction of advanced technologies with digestion, absorption and innovation,Transform the equipment industry with digital technology,We will raise the technical level and international competitiveness of major equipment products,Relying on large enterprises to develop downstream products and supporting products,We will accelerate the development of a coordinated production system for key industries,Highlighting large-scale, specialized and distinctive production,Develop advantageous industrial clusters,The equipment manufacturing industry will be concentrated in Harbin and Qiqihar。Key equipment manufacturing enterprises to achieve intelligence, flexibility, personalized, built into a domestic first-class, outstanding characteristics, with strong international competitiveness of the modern major equipment manufacturing base and the world's important equipment manufacturing processing zone。

Complete plant equipment。Focus on the development of the Three Gorges and other large mixed-flow turbine generator units, large pumped storage units and other hydropower,Large supercritical and ultra-supercritical thermal power units, circulating fluidized bed boilers, large gas-steam combined cycle generating units of thermal power and nuclear power units of millions of nuclear power units and new energy power generation equipment based on wind turbines,At the same time, the development of power station direct air cooling system, nuclear power air-conditioning units。

Heavy machinery equipment。Focus on the development of various types of continuous casting rolling mills and new high performance rolling mills, large mining equipment and large hot wall hydrogenation reactors, nuclear pressure vessels, various metallurgical rolls, large power generation equipment casting and forging parts, large and heavy CNC machine tools and key functional parts of machine tools and heavy mechanical presses, CNC high-speed precision sheet metal stamping equipment, automatic forging press and other CNC forging equipment。

Transportation equipment。Focus on the development of new mini cars, cars and engines and auto parts, the establishment of auto parts industrial cluster;The development of fast, heavy duty railway freight cars and railway cranes;We will accelerate the development of regional airliners, new multi-role aircraft and helicopters。

Other superior equipment。Focus on the development of CNC measuring instruments, precision complex tools, precision high-speed heavy-duty low-noise bearings, large agricultural machinery and construction machinery and agricultural products deep processing equipment, welding technology and equipment,Actively develop a number of high-tech equipment such as new industrial batteries, robots and electronic equipment manufacturing, linear motors and series products, and new environmental protection equipment。

(2) Petrochemical industry。

Make full use of our province's oil, natural gas, coal, grain and other resources and industrial, talent advantages, and strive to scale economy, high-tech, refined processing, the construction of petrochemical industry cluster。Adhere to the integration of refining and chemical industry, increase the utilization rate of refining equipment, actively adjust the refining process route, and increase the basic chemical raw materials。We will vigorously develop the petrochemical industry, natural gas chemical industry, coal chemical industry and grain chemical industry, while extending the industrial chain, realizing upstream and downstream integration, and accelerating the development of new material chemical industry and fine chemical industry。

Ethylene and organic chemicals。On the basis of the existing plant capacity, by increasing the processing amount of crude oil and adjusting the product structure, we will strive to expand the production of organic chemical raw materials based on "triene" (ethylene, propylene, butadiene) and "tribenzene" (pure benzene, p-xylene, o-xylene), do a good job in downstream product development and extend the industrial chain。

Natural gas chemical industry。Make use of Daqing's natural gas resources, and strive to use Russia's natural gas resources to develop natural gas chemical industry。It is mainly developed along the main lines of natural gas - methanol - acetic acid and downstream products and natural gas - synthetic ammonia - fertilizer。

Fine chemical industry。Focus on the development of oilfield chemicals, food and feed additives, pesticide intermediates and herbicides and pesticides, and promote the process of oilfield chemicals and "three agents" (catalysts, additives, additives) localization。

New chemical materials。Focus on the development of silicone materials, engineering plastics, nanomaterials, high-performance fibers and composite materials, functional polymer materials, functional membranes and other products,Construction of the world's advanced level of polycarbonate, polyformaldehyde, polyurethane, polyamide, PBT, LCP, membrane materials, carbon fiber and other functional polymer materials production base。

Other chemical industry。Actively develop high-tech content, high value-added rubber products, rubber auxiliaries, carbon black and other related products。We will develop the coal chemical industry and the grain chemical industry, and increase the added value of our products and their market competitiveness。

3. Deep processing of agricultural and sideline products。

Give full play to the region's ecological and resource advantages,Focus on developing dairy products, soybean products, corn processing, potato products, meat products and other industries,Adopt advanced applicable technology and high and new technology,Accelerate the pace of industrial upgrading of the food industry,We will improve the transformation degree of agricultural and sideline products, the proportion of intensive processing and the comprehensive utilization level of agricultural and sideline products,Achieve large-scale production and management,We will improve the new food industry system led by green specialty foods。

Dairy product。Develop sterilized milk, yogurt, lactobacillus drinks and other milk drinks, formula milk powder, functional milk powder, whole milk powder, skim milk powder as ingredients in the food industry, cheese, cream, etc。

Soybean products。The development of functional protein, protein concentrate, powder oil, phospholipid and soybean comprehensive utilization of deep processing series products。

Corn processing。Develop corn starch sugar, lysine, high fructose corn syrup, L-lactic acid, modified starch and starch downstream products, corn gluten products and other products,Corn oil series products, convenient nutritious corn food and high purity or anhydrous alcohol and GGDS based feed,Expand the application of corn deep processing products in the food industry, chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry and feed industry。

Potato products。Develop a series of deep processing products based on refined potato starch, develop and produce potato whole powder, modified starch, starch sugar and other products, as well as main food and convenience food such as French fries, potato chips and nutrition vermicelli。

Meat products。We will develop all kinds of cooked meat products for chilled meat, cut meat and direct consumption, build processing bases and export bases for live pigs, beef cattle, broilers and geese, and make comprehensive use of livestock and poultry offal, hair, bone and blood resources to produce biological products。

(4) Pharmaceutical industry。

Biotechnology as the entry point,Vigorously develop biotechnology gene engineering drugs;Develop chemicals and competitive apis,Highlight the development of antibiotics and their intermediates and other advantageous characteristic products, new pharmaceutical preparations;Adopt high and new technology and advanced applicable technology to transform traditional proprietary Chinese medicine,Rational use of North medicine,To promote the in-depth development and utilization of Chinese medicinal materials and their products with unique regional quality and the resources of Northern medicine,Accelerate the modernization, industrialization and large-scale construction of traditional Chinese medicine,Form a number of advantageous industrial clusters with Longjiang characteristics。

biopharma。Focus on the development of the use of the latest biotechnology, the development and production of genetically engineered drugs, proteins, peptides, monoclonal antibodies, gene therapy and other drugs with great market potential, focusing on the development and production of long-acting interferon, anti-tumor, treatment of burns, trauma, prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease and other national new drugs。

Chemicals and antibiotics。Focus on the development of anti-infection, anti-virus, anti-AIDS, anti-tumor and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular common diseases, frequently-occurring new drug products industrialization,Develop and create a batch of chemical drugs with large market demand, advanced technology, stable and reliable quality, exact efficacy and small side effects;Accelerate the development and production of chemical apis,Construction of export API production base。

Modern Chinese medicine。Emphasis will be placed on the standardized cultivation of Chinese medicinal materials (GAP) and the industrialized production of Chinese herbal slices,We will accelerate technological and product innovation,Vigorously promote the application of modern advanced technology such as fingerprint multi-component quantitative index control in the production of traditional Chinese medicine,Cultivate a number of Chinese medicine production enterprises with leading technological advantages, independent intellectual property rights and local characteristics,Develop new products,Expand production scale,Improve the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine。

New pharmaceutical preparations and pharmaceutical packaging materials。Adopt advanced technology and process at home and abroad to transform traditional pharmaceutical products, develop new pharmaceutical preparations, and focus on supporting the research and development and industrialization of new preparations such as controlled release, slow release, rapid release and targeted。Adopt advanced technology and equipment at home and abroad to accelerate the development of new pharmaceutical packaging materials and improve the packaging grade and level of pharmaceutical products。

(5) High and new technology industries。

Focusing on electronic information technology, biotechnology, new material technology, and aerospace technology, we will accelerate the construction of innovation systems and the pace of industrialization, so that high-tech industries will become leading industries。

Electronic information。Priority is given to the development of application software for national economy and social information, computer and network products, integrated circuits and manufacturing industries, electronic raw devices and new electronic materials。Build an information-based public service platform, and promote the sharing and optimization of information resources。

biotechnology。While vigorously developing biomedicine, we are actively developing new varieties of crops that are resistant to cold, drought, salt and alkali, disease and insects, as well as animal vaccines, biofertilizers, biological pesticides, industrial enzymes, active microbial products, biological chemicals and other products。

Advanced material。Focus on the development of nano-ceramic materials, nano-composite materials, nano-functional materials, high-temperature alloys, functional alloys, high-performance magnesium alloys, titanium alloys, non-continuous reinforced aluminum alloys and other metal composite materials, new non-metallic materials, new building materials and new environmental protection welding materials。

aerospace。Emphasis will be placed on the development of ERJ145 series turbofan regional aircraft, new models of fixed-wing series aircraft, improved helicopters, supporting components and ground supporting equipment, as well as the overall technology of small satellites and micro-satellites, payload technology, space communication technology, space special materials technology, aerospace electronic engineering technology, advanced detection and identification technology, control and navigation technology and space robot technology。

New energy and environmental protection technology。Accelerate the development and utilization of complete sets of power station equipment, power transmission and transformation technology, natural gas, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy and other technologies, and develop energy geological exploration technology, new energy-saving technology and products, environmental protection technology and equipment, and environmental quality testing and monitoring technology。

(6) Modern logistics industry。

Give full play to location advantages and comprehensive transport conditions,Apply modern logistics technology and management concept,Fully integrate existing resources,Appropriately build incremental resources,Build a logistics system for the key industries of the industrial corridor with the logistics center as the backbone node and the supporting logistics system of each industrial development zone as the support,Develop logistics industry cluster,At the same time, it serves the circulation of agricultural products in the surrounding economic belt, trade with Russia, commerce and other fields,Gradually build internal connection with the province and the northeast economic zone and even the whole country,The core hub logistics system radiating to Northeast Asia,Drive the rapid development of logistics industry in the province。

Logistics center。Focus on the development of large-scale, socialized logistics integrated service facilities and projects, and mainly build integrated logistics centers and logistics public information platforms。Provide warehousing and transportation, handling, circulation and processing, consolidated transportation and distribution, freight trading, logistics information, management consulting, education and training, logistics exhibition, fund settlement, "one customs and three inspections" (customs, commodity inspection, animal and plant inspection and quarantine, health inspection) and other logistics comprehensive services。

Each industrial development zone supporting logistics system。Focus on the development of industrial logistics service facilities and projects,The main construction of production logistics support system,To provide instant and efficient logistics distribution services for the production and operation activities of various industrial development zones,Make these supporting facilities and projects and production enterprises self-operated logistics system to form the industrial development zone logistics service system,The logistics service system and logistics center of each industrial development zone are organically combined to form the comprehensive logistics service system of the industrial corridor of Harbin, Daqing and Qi。

Fourth, industrial layout

According to the resources and industrial advantages of the cities in the corridor, the characteristics of the park will be highlighted, and the strength will be concentrated on the construction of advantageous industrial clusters with strong economic driving force such as Harbin Jiangbei Industrial New Area, Bungfang Industrial New Area, Daqing Dongcheng District, Qiqihar Nanyuan and Fularji。

(1) Harbin City。

We will give priority to developing the automobile industry, aerospace industry, mechanical and electrical industry, modern medicine industry, environmental protection industry, information industry, green food industry and modern logistics industry led by high and new technologies。By 2020, it plans to develop a total area of 251 square kilometers;By 2010, the development and construction of 80 square kilometers, planning the construction of Jiangbei, Bungfang, Qunli, Taiping Airport and Xiangfang five large new industrial zones, research and development service areas, logistics systems。This year and next year, 35 square kilometers will be launched, and all five industrial new areas and logistics systems will be started。

1.Jiangbei Industrial New Area。It consists of Songbei District and Hulan District, focusing on the development of green food, modern medicine, environmental protection, information and other industries。The planned area of the start-up area is 15.84 square kilometers (including: saline-alkali land and other unused land 0.2 km2, 12 acres of agricultural land.44 square kilometers, construction land 3.2 square kilometers), the construction of two parks A and B:

Zone A is a trade, economic and technological cooperation park with Russia。Located in Songbei District, start-up area planning area 5.8 square kilometers。Oriented to the international market,Taking the development of high-tech industries as its main task,Absorb the advanced production factors of China and Russia to carry out economic and technological cooperation, import and export processing and reciprocal trade,At the same time absorb the advanced technology and capital of other countries and regions,To build a core area for economic, trade, scientific and technological cooperation with Russia,It provides the premise and guarantee for the formation of capital, technology, talents and policy agglomeration advantages of economic, trade and technological cooperation with Russia。Focus on the construction of export processing bases and trade centers with Russia,To build a platform for technological trade, production and living services with Russia,It has become the largest Russia-related economic, trade, technology and processing and manufacturing comprehensive park in the province,To form the advantages of capital, technology, personnel, cultural exchange and education agglomeration for economic and technological cooperation with Russia,Focus on the development of trade with Russia, export warehousing, clothing, light industry and other products。

The start-up area will focus on building an export base and a business center for Russia。Introduce a number of enterprise investment projects such as Lande Ultrasonic Equipment Co., LTD., Dongjin Wall Agricultural Machinery Co., LTD., Wanyang Economic and Trade Export Storage Center and Northeast Asia International Trade City。

Zone B is Hulan River Industrial Park。Located in Hulan District and Songbei District, the planned area of the start-up area is 10.04 square kilometers。The first is to launch the EU-Asia Science Park。Starting area 2.It is 5 square kilometers, mainly promoting the research and development of high-tech projects and the industrialization of some research and development projects, integrating the scientific and technological resources, human resources and project resources of universities and research institutes, and providing project sources for the industrial development of the Hada-Qi Industrial corridor。We will focus on building high-tech industrial centers and science and technology parks。The start-up projects are high-tech R&D center and production base of Harbin Institute of Technology。Second, the Northeast Asia Science and Technology Park will be launched。Starting area 5.54 square kilometers, the main construction of the North medicine production base with the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, green food processing industry, education technology industry, information industry park with the transformation of cutting-edge science and technology projects。Focus on the introduction of Xianghong Pharmaceutical Co., LTD., Success Pharmaceutical Co., LTD., Weiyuan Biological Co., LTD., Huanong Weipu Veterinary Medicine Co., LTD., New era Adhesive tape Co., LTD., Prince Dairy Co., LTD., and a number of enterprise investment projects。Third, the National Environmental science and Technology Industrial Park was launched。Starting area of 2 square kilometers, the main construction of environmental protection high-tech, clean energy, organic food, waste utilization and other industrial parks。Focus on the launch of Tsinghua Unigroup environmental technology research and development center project。

2.Bungalow Industrial New area。Located at the junction of cottage area and power area, it focuses on the development of automobile industry, aerospace industry, mechanical and electrical industry, green food, modern medicine, electronic information industry, to undertake international industrial transfer and modern logistics industry。Planning area of start-up area 8.83 km2 (of which: agricultural land 6.5 square kilometers, construction land 2.33 square kilometers), the construction of A, B, C3 parks。

Zone A is a development zone industrial park。Located in the cottage area and power area, it is a comprehensive industrial park, and the start-up area is 3.7 square kilometers。First, the aerospace Industrial Park。Mainly based on Harbin Aviation Industry (Group) Co., LTD., it has developed into a supporting industry for host products and services such as regional aircraft, helicopters and new multi-purpose aircraft。The second is the metal material industrial park。Mainly based on Northeast Light Alloy Co., LTD., it focuses on the construction of large-scale aluminum-magnesium alloy sheet projects, the introduction of new light alloy materials, plastic steel composite materials and other projects, and the formation of metal materials processing park。Third, green food industrial park。To develop soybean, barley, potato as raw materials of grain deep processing, beverage products, etc., to build a new food industry system led by green food。Promote the existing Heilongjiang Beidahuang Agricultural Reclamation Group Corporation, Heilongjiang Jiusan Oil Co., LTD., Harbin Longken Malt Co., LTD., the United States Mackenzie International Chain Company and other strong enterprises to extend to the new area industry, expand soybean, barley, rice, potato and other deep-processing products capacity。With Dinxin Group Meikang Food Co., LTD., Want Want Food Co., Ltd. and other enterprises as the backbone, develop a series of leisure food and functional, health food, and form a deep processing production base with well-known brands and large enterprise groups as the core。Fourth, modern pharmaceutical Industrial Park。Take advantage of the "Harbin Pharmaceutical" brand, accelerate the construction of the pharmaceutical park under the name of Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Co., LTD., undertake the capital expansion of the pharmaceutical group, and make it a platform for the combination and reorganization of domestic and foreign pharmaceutical enterprise groups and the pharmaceutical industry in our city。Magnify the existing brand effect of "three essence" and "Medicine six", further expand the industrial scale to the new District, and accelerate the development of new pharmaceutical preparations, biopharmaceuticals, biological health drugs and other products。The fifth is to undertake foreign industrial transfer park。For Russia, Japan, South Korea and other countries and regions to attract investment, to undertake the transfer of well-known foreign enterprises products, the establishment of complete machine and terminal product production base。Focus on the introduction of CNC machine tools, precision machinery, environmental protection equipment, computers and parts, software industry, integrated circuits, telecommunications products and technology and other advanced products。

The start-up area focuses on the construction of aluminum-magnesium alloy sheet, aviation equipment, medicine and food deep processing projects。

Zone B is a bungalow industrial park。Located in the cottage area, the start-up area is 3 square kilometers。One is the automobile industrial park。It mainly relies on Harbin Aviation Industry (Group) Co., LTD., focusing on the upgrading of minicars to economy cars and business cars, the establishment of automobile and parts engineering research and development center, and the development of 2.0L below, high school and low grade automobile series products。Accelerate the relocation and transformation of Harbin Light Vehicle Factory, Harbin Tractor Factory, Harbin Construction Machinery Factory and other enterprises of FAW Group into the park, and expand the production capacity of light vehicles, tractors, and car cranes。Actively introduce and support automobile supporting enterprises, establish a parts supporting product system that is compatible with the development of the host, expand the scale of automobile supporting enterprises, and form a machinery manufacturing base with the manufacturing of automobiles, auto parts and mechanical and electrical products as the core。The second is the China-Russia Information Industry Park。Jointly establish the state-level Sino-Russian information Industry Park Harbin Park with the Ministry of Information Industry and the provincial Information Industry Department,Focus on the development of computers and components, digital audio and video products, large-scale integrated circuits, household appliances, telecommunications products and technology and other sophisticated products,Focus on the introduction of Panda Electronics Co., LTD., TCL Electrical Co., LTD., Changhong Electronics Group Co., LTD., Haier Group, Hisense Group, Waveguide Electronics Co., Ltd. and other large electronic information industry backbone enterprises,Gradually form an industrial cluster with prominent advantageous industries, strengthened leading industries and significant regional core competitiveness,Establish a national information industry export platform to Russia。

The start-up area focuses on the construction of Lange Machinery Co., LTD. Engine components, Hafei Automobile Transmission Co., LTD. Drive shaft, Ha Qianyi Equipment Co., LTD. Accelerator, TCL Electric Co., LTD. TCL digital products and other investment projects。

Zone C is a power industrial park。Located in the power zone, starting zone area 2.13 square kilometers。First, the electromechanical supporting park。In order to improve the scale and level of power station equipment supporting, promote the development of power station supporting enterprises, with electromechanical supporting parks as the carrier, focus on introducing power station supporting enterprises to form power station supporting industrial clusters。Second, the industrial park with Russia。Focus on the introduction of Russian timber harvesting, transportation, storage and processing enterprises, wood deep processing enterprises, furniture manufacturing enterprises, woodworking machinery and trade enterprises to Russia。

The start-up area focuses on the construction of Hangfei Technology Electric Appliance Co., LTD., Pingshan Boiler Co., LTD., Harbin insulation Materials Factory, Harbin Heavy Machinery Factory and other enterprise investment projects。

3.Qunli new district。Located in Daoli District, the planned area of the start-up area is 3.3 square kilometers (including: saline-alkali land and other unused land 0.8 square kilometers, agricultural land 2.4 square kilometers, construction land 0.1 km2)。Mainly around the construction of regional competitiveness and influence,Set research and development, business, finance, office, residential as one of the modern ecological garden new city goal,Focus on the development of high-tech research and development and headquarters economy,Construction of high-tech research and development park, headquarters economic service area and ecological community,Realize the transfer of capital flow and information to the new district in the old city。The high-tech research and development Park focuses on introducing large scientific research institutions and enterprise technology research and development institutions both at home and abroad。To build high-tech research and development centers, cultivate high-tech enterprises, overseas students to start businesses and scientific and technological entrepreneurs, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and transfer successful high-tech enterprises to high-tech industries。Headquarters economic service area focuses on the introduction of large domestic and foreign enterprise headquarters, financial and foreign affairs institutions, forming a cluster effect。The ecological residential park will focus on building apartments for foreign investors and experts, commercial services, and cultural and entertainment facilities。

The start-up area focuses on the construction of a number of enterprise investment projects such as Hong Kong Xiangjiang International Group, Shanghai Aijian Group, South Korea Jiahong Company。

4.Taiping Airport Economic Zone。Located in Daoli District and Shuangcheng City, the planned area of the start-up area is 4.18 km2 (of which agricultural land 3.22 square kilometers, construction land 0.96 square kilometers)。Focus on the development of airport logistics and fine processing, high value-added green food industry。Planning airport logistics Park, Korea Industrial Park, Taiping Industrial Park。The airport Logistics Park relies on Harbin International Airport to develop the airport logistics industry。South Korea's industrial parks focus on the wholesale of light industrial products and the IT industry。Taiping Industrial Park focuses on building production and processing bases for dairy cows, pollution-free vegetables, edible fungi and other agricultural and animal husbandry products,The introduction of a number of high-tech content, high value-added, market potential of electronic communications, computer components, software development, mechanical and electronic equipment and other projects,Develop new energy-saving materials such as building materials, insulation materials, roofing materials and decorative materials,Forming a new type of building materials processing base。

The start-up area focuses on the construction of a number of enterprise investment projects such as Xinhua Insurance Network Technology Service Co., LTD., Lianchuang Wind Turbine Co., LTD., Wuyang Food Co., LTD., and New Spring Green Food Co., LTD。

5.Xiangfang Industrial New District。Located in Xiangfang District, start-up area planning area 2.85 km2 (of which agricultural land is 1.63 square kilometers, construction land 1.22 square kilometers)。Relying on the national unified layout of Harbin Container Center Station, give full play to the existing industrial base and location advantages, and build "two districts and four parks"。First, export processing parks。Centering on the construction of Harbin Container Center Station, we will focus on the introduction of export processing and trade enterprises to Russia, mainly in bulk commodity transfer, with repackaging and simple processing of goods, the construction of a business district, the development of supporting services, and the formation of an integrated development pattern of processing and logistics。The second is the agricultural research and development park。Relying on the experimental base of Northeast Agricultural University, the construction of scientific research and education area, the development of agricultural research, demonstration, testing, extension and other industries, radiation of the province's agricultural development。The third is Beidahuang Industrial Park。Construction of agricultural food industry deep processing, pig, meat products deep processing, modern agricultural equipment manufacturing industry。Fourth, food industrial park。Relying on the existing Jiusan Group Huimin Food Co., LTD., the company focuses on the development of green food industries such as oil, soybean protein, grain, vegetables and meat products deep processing。Fifth, South Korea's industrial parks。We will focus on introducing Korean companies and developing IT, high-tech and other industries。Sixth, chemical industry park。Relying on the existing Waler Company and Bluestar Group, the company develops downstream products of the chemical industry, focusing on the production of fine chemical products。

The start-up area focuses on the construction of a number of enterprise investment projects such as Heilongjiang Shengxing Group furniture, Rhine Elevator Co., LTD., Dongjian Machinery Co., LTD., Longqing Petrochemical Co., LTD。

6.Logistics system。It consists of five parts: Harbin Longyun Logistics Center with main highway hub, Harbin Xinxiangfang Logistics center with inland railway port, Heilongjiang Post Yitong Logistics center with third-party logistics service, North Asia Logistics Center with commerce and trade, and Heilongjiang Logistics Public Information Platform。

The start-up area focuses on the construction of Harbin Longyun Logistics Business Center, Sino-Russian international logistics procurement trading center, and provincial freight stowing center;International container yard, special railway line and inland port business management building of Harbin Xinxiangfang Logistics Center;Harbin Songbei Yitong logistics cargo sorting and allocation center, elevated storage warehouse;North Asia Sea City logistics trade city and city distribution center;Province-wide logistics public information trading system and logistics management information system。

By 2010, Harbin plans to invest 138 billion yuan, of which 32 billion yuan is invested in infrastructure, and 106 billion yuan is invested in projects (580). It is expected to achieve sales revenue of 146 billion yuan and profits and taxes of 21 billion yuan。The planned investment of the start-up area is 41 billion yuan, of which 14 billion yuan is invested in infrastructure and 27 billion yuan is invested in projects (176). It is expected to achieve sales revenue of 36 billion yuan and profits and taxes of 4.5 billion yuan。

(2) Daqing City。

Priority will be given to developing follow-on industries such as high-value-added petrochemical and natural gas chemical industries and alternative industries such as deep processing of agricultural and sideline products, textiles, new materials, machinery manufacturing, and electronic information。By 2020, it plans to develop a total area of 341 square kilometers;By 2010, 88 square kilometers will be developed and constructed, and 4 project areas and logistics systems will be planned for Dongcheng, Honggang, Longfeng and Ranghu Road。Starting this year and next year 23.18 square kilometers,4 project areas and logistics system all started construction。

1.Dongcheng High-tech Development Zone。Including Daqing High-tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee under the jurisdiction of "one district three parks" (high-tech industrial Development Zone, Xinghua, Hongwei, Linyuan Chemical Park)。Planning area of start-up area 14.67 square kilometers (including: saline-alkali land and other unused land 14.57 square kilometers, construction land 0.1 square kilometer), the construction of 4 parks:

(1) High-tech zone。Located in the main area, the planned area of the start-up area is 7.06 square kilometers。It mainly relies on the industrial foundation and research and development system that has been formed in the main area of Daqing high-tech Industrial Development Zone,We will focus on building a number of professional parks,We will develop agricultural and animal husbandry product processing, machinery manufacturing, pharmaceutical industry, electronic information industry, export product processing industry, light industrial product manufacturing industry and new material industry with high-tech industries as the guide,It will be built into a demonstration zone for the construction of the industrial corridor of Daqing and Qi and a leading zone for high-tech industries in the province。

The start-up area mainly develops high-tech products such as software industry, electronic products serving the petrochemical industry, integrated circuit chips, computers and their external equipment, multilingual terminals, electronic aluminum foil, oilfield machinery and equipment, soybean and corn intensive processing, medicine and aerospace equipment。

(2) Oil and gas chemical industry area。Located in Hongwei Chemical Park, start-up area planning area 2.82 square kilometers。It mainly relies on large chemical enterprises such as Daqing Refining and Chemical Branch of petrochina Co., LTD., Oilfield Chemical Group of Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau and Daqing Oilfield Pegasus Company,Focus on the development of petrochemical and natural gas chemical industry,Construction of petrochemical, natural gas chemical two professional parks,The production base of propylene derivatives and oilfield chemicals and natural gas chemical industry has been established。

The start-up area mainly develops acetic acid, dry gas to ethylbenzene, 1, 4-butanediol and other products。

(3) Fine work area。Located in Xinghua Chemical Industry Park, the planned area of the start-up area is 0.88 sq. km, with Anda 2 sq. km start-up area。Mainly relying on the industrial advantages of petrochina Daqing Petrochemical Branch and petrochina Daqing Petrochemical Plant, it focuses on the construction of fine chemical parks, the development of chemical additives and other fine chemical products, and the construction of fine chemical production bases。

The start-up area mainly develops fine chemical products such as trimethylol propane, energy saving and environmental protection lubricating oil, polyisobutylene, demulsifier and so on。

(4) Light industrial area。Located in Linyuan Chemical Industry Park, the planning area of the start-up area is 3.91 square kilometers。Mainly relying on the advantages of Linyuan Oil Refinery in capital, technology, talent, infrastructure, stock assets and other aspects, the development of textile, glass, rubber and other processing industries, and the construction of rubber, textile and other light industrial products production base。

The start-up area mainly develops woolen, flax, cashmere sweater processing, glass products, rubber products and so on。

2.Honggang building materials processing zone。Located in Honggang District, the planned area of the start-up area is 1.7 square kilometers (among which: unused land such as saline-alkali land 1.5 square kilometers, construction land 0.2 km2)。Mainly relying on the good building materials industrial foundation, location conditions and resource advantages of Honggang District, the development of structural materials, waterproof materials, thermal insulation materials, floor materials, roofing materials and decorative materials, such as energy-saving building materials and green building materials, to build an ecological industrial park with prominent environmental protection characteristics and obvious comprehensive benefits。

The start-up area mainly develops stainless steel products, new wall materials, vacuum ion coating technology (PVD) extension tube, waterproof coating, waterproof coil, calcium silicate board and other energy-saving building materials and green building materials。

3.Longfeng petrochemical products deep processing area。Located in Longfeng District, the planned area of the start-up area is 1.21 square kilometers, all salt and alkali land and other unused land。It mainly relies on the superior resources of petrochina Daqing Petrochemical Branch and petrochina Daqing Petrochemical Plant,Focus on building building materials, plastics, lubricants and other professional parks,The development of plastic building materials, modified plastics, plastic products and paraffin products and other industries,We will build industrial bases for deep processing of petrochemical products and new building materials。

The start-up area mainly develops polymer cementitious materials, environmental protection fireproof decorative panels, color energy-saving roof tiles, special materials for optical ecological film, plastic masterbatch, plastic sheets, plastic packaging and other products。

4.Changhu Road machinery manufacturing, chemical raw material processing zone。Planning area of start-up area 5.6 square kilometers, all salt and alkali land and other unused land。Construction of 2 parks:

(1) Machinery manufacturing area。Located in Ranghu Road District, the planning area of the start-up area is 4 square kilometers。Mainly relying on the market advantages of direct enterprises, focus on the construction of machinery and equipment professional parks, the development of petroleum and petrochemical machinery, auto parts and other processing and manufacturing industries, to build a service Daqing oilfield, radiating the domestic market of oil field special equipment production base。

The start-up area mainly develops petroleum and petrochemical machinery, auto parts, high pressure glass steel pipe, mechanical equipment processing automation instrument assembly, electronic control devices and other products。

(2) Chemical raw materials area。Located in Lamadian Town, the planned area of the start-up area is 1.6 square kilometers。Relying mainly on China National Chemical Group Bluestat Daqing Branch, we will expand the scale of basic chemical raw materials, develop deep processing industry of petrochemical products, and build a production base of daily chemical raw materials。

In the start-up area, the catalytic cracking unit (DCC) is mainly reformed to develop nonylphenol, methyl ethyl ketone and other products。

5.Logistics system。It consists of two parts: Daqing Integrated Logistics Center, which is planned and built on the basis of Daqing Petroleum Materials Group's Saltu materials warehouse, and Daqing Wanbao Petrochemical Logistics Center, which serves the petrochemical industry。

The start-up area will focus on the construction of logistics business building, freight trading market, exhibition trading hall, container yard and logistics trading area, logistics processing area and logistics storage area of Daqing Wanbao Petrochemical Logistics Center。

By 2010, Daqing City plans to invest 60 billion yuan, including 9 billion yuan in infrastructure investment, 51 billion yuan in projects (366), and is expected to achieve sales revenue of 92.9 billion yuan and profits and taxes of 19 billion yuan。The planned investment of the start-up area is 13.3 billion yuan, of which 2.7 billion yuan is invested in infrastructure, 10.6 billion yuan is invested in projects (100), and it is expected to achieve sales revenue of 26.4 billion yuan and profits and taxes of 4.5 billion yuan。

(3) Qiqihar City。

We will focus on expanding and strengthening the equipment industry, expanding the green food industry and the coal, oil and chemical industries, and vigorously developing industries such as electronic information, environmental protection, energy, paper making, metallurgy and building materials。By 2020, it plans to develop a total area of 112 square kilometers;By 2010, it will develop and construct 29 square kilometers, and plan to build 5 project areas and logistics systems in Nanyuan, Beiyuan, Fularji, Angangxi and Jiangxi。This year and next year, 2025 square kilometers will be started, and the construction of Nanyuan, Beiyuan and Fularji three project areas and logistics systems will be started, and the remaining two areas will be built in the medium and long term。

1.Nanyuan high-tech Industrial Development Zone。Located in the south of the central city, the planning area of the start-up area is 6.27 square kilometers (among which: unused land such as saline-alkali land 1.64 square kilometers, agricultural land 1.32 square kilometers, construction land 3.31 km2)。We will focus on developing equipment industry and green food industry。

The start-up area makes full use of the opportunities to undertake domestic and foreign industrial transfer and urban layout adjustment, focusing on the development of machinery manufacturing, mechatronics, instrumentation, CNC machine tool functional parts and other products such as equipment industry and deep processing based green food industry。The main construction of electronic devices, intelligent power-saving systems, special testing equipment, high-grade molds, sophisticated castings, explosive disposal robots and other projects。

2.Beiyuan Economic and Technological Development Zone。Located in the east of the central city, the planned area of the start-up area is 4.5 square kilometers (among them: unused land such as saline-alkali land 3.54 square kilometers, agricultural land 0.96 square kilometers)。Focus on the development of organic agricultural means of production, power electronics, new energy-saving and environmentally friendly building materials industry and energy industry。

The start-up area focuses on the development of organic agricultural production materials industry based on the research and development, production and processing of bio-organic fertilizer, new building materials industry based on environmental protection and energy saving building materials, and energy industry based on cogeneration。The main construction of cogeneration, new wall materials, microbial humic acid organic fertilizer projects。

3.Fularji private science and technology demonstration zone。It is located 25 kilometers southwest of Qiqihar city center and east of Fulalji City center. The planned area of the start-up area is 9.48 square kilometers (including: saline-alkali land and other unused land 0.2 square kilometers, agricultural land 6.83 square kilometers, construction land 2.45 km2)。Mainly develop machinery manufacturing, new energy saving and environmental protection building materials, coal chemical intensive processing and other industries。

The start-up area mainly relies on the existing large and medium-sized enterprises in Fularji,Give full play to the advantages of industrial technology extension,Developing machinery manufacturing and forging industries,Forming mechanical and metallurgical processing industrial clusters that eat and match (supporting products), eat and prepare (spare parts), eat and drink (enterprise brand), and eat waste (waste);Construct the industrial framework of new building materials industry,The formation of glass products, cement products, new plastics, fly ash comprehensive utilization of circular economy industrial cluster。The main construction of machinery and equipment manufacturing, cold rolling bimetal composite, metallurgical roll, environmental protection thermoplastic composite materials, float glass and other projects。

4.Logistics system。It consists of Nanyuan Logistics Base, Beiyuan Logistics Park and Beida Cang Logistics Center。Nanyuan Logistics base is the supporting service system of Nanyuan High-tech Development Zone.Beiyuan Logistics Center is a logistics system based on Qiqihar Highway freight hub station.Beida Cang Logistics Center is the logistics system of Beida Cang Group to revitalize idle assets。

The launch area focuses on the construction of Beiyuan Logistics Center's freight command and control system, cargo loading system, logistics information network system, logistics processing area, loading and unloading facilities;Logistics distribution center and packaging processing center of Beida Cang;Nanyuan logistics base logistics distribution center, circulation processing area, storage area。

Qiqihar City to 2010, the planned investment of 13.3 billion yuan, including infrastructure investment of 3 billion yuan, project (108) investment of 10.3 billion yuan, is expected to achieve sales revenue of 16.5 billion yuan, profits and taxes of 2.9 billion yuan。The planned investment of the start-up area is 6.5 billion yuan, of which 2 billion yuan is invested in infrastructure and 4.5 billion yuan is invested in projects (23). It is expected to achieve sales revenue of 5.2 billion yuan and profits and taxes of 1.1 billion yuan。

(4) Zhaodong City。

Focus on the development of food deep processing based biotechnology industry and special agricultural products, Chinese herbal medicine deep processing industry, to undertake the industrial radiation and transfer of Harbin City。By 2020, the planned development area of 132 square kilometers;By 2010, it will develop and build 20 square kilometers, and plan to build 5 project areas: Zhaodong Economic and Technological Development Zone, Song Station, Anmin, Jiangjia and Hazhaolianyi。This year and next year, 10 square kilometers will be started to build the Zhaodong Economic and Technological Development Zone, and the remaining four districts will be built in the medium and long term。

Zhaodong Economic and Technological Development Zone。Located in the western suburb of the seat of Zhaodong Municipal Government, on the west side of Harbin Expressway and Zhaochang Highway, the 10 square kilometers of the start-up area are all unused land such as saline-alkali land。Relying on the advantages of Zhaodong's agricultural resources, it focuses on the development of deep processing of agricultural and sideline products, proprietary Chinese medicine and new materials industries。

The start-up area mainly develops deep processing of agricultural products such as sunflower seeds and carrots and deep processing of meat products such as cattle and geese, forming an industrial chain of agricultural and sideline product series development;Development and construction of new pharmaceutical preparations and new composite materials。

Zhaodong City to 2010, the planned investment of 5.6 billion yuan, including infrastructure investment of 1.6 billion yuan, project (45) investment of 4 billion yuan, is expected to achieve sales revenue of 5.2 billion yuan, profit and tax of 2 billion yuan。The planned investment of the start-up area is 1.4 billion yuan, of which 800 million yuan is invested in infrastructure and 600 million yuan is invested in projects (5). It is expected to achieve sales revenue of 1.4 billion yuan and profit and tax of 3.7 亿元。

(5) Anda City。

Focus on the development of dairy products mainly agricultural and sideline products processing industry and undertake Daqing radiation of fine chemical, petroleum products processing industry。By 2020, it plans to develop a total area of 85 square kilometers;By 2010, 33 square kilometers will be developed and constructed, and three project areas, comprehensive development zone, fine chemical industry and petrochemical industry, will be planned。Start this year and next year5.8 square kilometers, the construction of comprehensive development zone, fine chemical industry 2 areas, petrochemical area in the medium and long-term construction。

1.Comprehensive development zone。Located in the east of Anda City, the planned area of the start-up area is 3.8 square kilometers, all salt and alkali land and other unused land。We will focus on the deep processing of agricultural and sideline products, logistics and distribution。The start-up area plans to build 2 parks:

(1) Agricultural and sideline product processing area。Mainly around the deep processing of agricultural and sideline products, the development of dairy products, bio-protein based food industry and biochemical pharmaceutical industry。

(2) Logistics distribution area。It mainly relies on the location advantage adjacent to Daqing City and relies on large groups to develop logistics distribution industry。

2.Fine work area。It is located in Wanbaoshan Town, adjacent to Daqing Petrochemical Complex and connected to Daqing Fine Engineering Area. The planned start-up area covers 2 square kilometers, all of which are unused land such as saline-alkali land。Focus on the development of petrochemical downstream products, accelerate the development of new material chemical industry, new fields of fine chemical industry, gradually extend the petrochemical industry chain, Daqing processing project base。

The start-up area mainly develops fine chemical industries such as oilfield chemicals, additives and enzyme preparations。In terms of industrial layout, the plan is synchronized with Daqing Fine Chemical Industry Park, and the implementation is synchronized with Daqing Fine Chemical Industry Park。

By 2010, Anda City plans to invest 4.6 billion yuan, of which 1.6 billion yuan is invested in infrastructure, and 3 billion yuan is invested in projects (40). It is expected to achieve sales revenue of 4 billion yuan and profits and taxes of 800 million yuan。Start-up zone planning investment 7.900 million yuan (excluding refined work area), of which infrastructure investment 3 200 million yuan, project (5) investment 4.700 million yuan, is expected to achieve sales revenue of 8.200 million yuan, profits and taxes 1.7亿元。

V. Safeguard measures

1. Strengthen organizational leadership。The provincial government has set up a leading group for the construction of the industrial corridor in Heilongjiang Province, with the office of the leading group located in the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, responsible for the organization and coordination of the construction of the industrial corridor in Harbin and Daqing, supervision and inspection, and summarizing and promoting experience。Establish a joint conference system for the construction of the Industrial corridor of Kazakhstan and Daqing with the participation of relevant municipal and provincial units, and regularly or irregularly study and solve relevant problems in the integrated allocation and construction of resources of the industrial corridor of Kazakhstan and Daqing。

(2) Formulating preferential policies。On the basis of making full use of the existing national policies to support the adjustment and transformation of the old industrial base in Northeast China, speeding up the economic transformation of resource-based cities, promoting the development of high-tech industries and realizing the industrialization of agriculture, the province has given policy and financial support to the construction of the industrial corridor in Kazakhstan and Daqing。All relevant departments shall, in light of the actual situation of our province and the experience of advanced provinces, regions and municipalities, study and formulate preferential policies for land use, finance and taxation, science and technology, investment and other aspects to support the construction of the industrial corridor of Kazakhstan and Daqing。

3. Creating an environment for development。While creating the hardware environment, we should do a good job in the construction of the soft environment and strive to provide high-quality services for investors。We will further implement policies and regulations on creating a favorable environment for economic development, remove obstacles, and ensure that all policies are implemented。Actively cultivate consulting, intermediary and other institutions serving enterprises。We will speed up market integration, break regional blockades and market segmentation, and remove obstacles to the free flow and combination of goods and factors of production。

4. Reform the examination and approval of land use。Appropriate decentralization of project land approval authority within the scope of planning, land approval work is mainly by land resources, development and reform, industrial economic operation and industry management, urban planning, environmental protection and other departments to adopt a joint pre-examination, in accordance with the planning review, industrial access, project layout and intensive use control procedures。The small amount of agricultural land that really needs to be occupied shall be submitted for approval in accordance with the current regulations of the State。

(5) Increase investment。It is necessary to actively attract international and domestic investment, play a new brand of the Kazakhstan-Daqi Industrial corridor, and vigorously promote the preferential policies and cooperation projects of the industrial corridor。It is necessary to increase the efforts to cultivate and attract the participation of private enterprises, and put the foothold on encouraging the private sector, attracting private capital, utilizing civil power, and developing private enterprises, so that they can become a new force in the construction of the industrial corridor of Kazakhstan and Daqing。

6. Expanding financing channels。Seize the opportunity of the central government to implement the revitalization strategy of old industrial bases such as the northeast region,We will give full play to the government's credit and coordination functions,Strengthen communication and cooperation with national development banks, state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock banks and other financial institutions in the region,Explore the use of BOT, TOT, PPP and other financing methods,Attract international and domestic investors to enter,To provide financial support for the construction of the Kazakhstan-Daqi Industrial Corridor。Foster local capital markets, expand project financing business, make full use of various domestic and foreign funds, and develop venture capital funds。We will establish and improve guarantee and venture investment mechanisms for small and medium-sized enterprises, and extensively attract various funds and private capital to participate in the construction of the Kazakhstan-Daqi Industrial Corridor。

(7) Developing human resources。Further strengthen cooperation with universities and research institutes inside and outside the province, give play to the role of higher education parks as sources of innovation and talent pools, and do a good job in continuing education。It has widely attracted scientific and technological talents, business management talents and various professional and technical talents from home and abroad to start businesses in the Industrial corridor of Kazakhstan and Daqing。Tap the potential of industrial skilled workers in the corridor, improve regional vocational and technical training networks, and accelerate the construction of high-quality skilled workers。We will intensify the training of surplus rural labor force and promote the transformation of rural migrant workers into skilled workers。Adopt the integration of industry (industry), study (university), research (scientific research institution), enterprise (enterprise) and government (government), accelerate the construction of innovation system, and provide support for the development of industrial clusters。

8. Expand media publicity。A series of publicity activities for the Kazakhstan-Daqi Industrial Corridor will be organized in a planned and phased manner to widely publicize the advantages, preferential policies, cooperation projects and achievements of the construction of the Kazakhstan-Daqi Industrial Corridor。

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