• Notice of The General Office of the State Council on printing and distributing the "Measures for Formulating Regulations on Information Disclosure of Public Enterprises and Institutions"
  • 2020-12-11

Notice of The General Office of the State Council on printing and distributing the "Measures for Formulating Regulations on Information Disclosure of Public Enterprises and Institutions"

日期:2020-12-11 来源: Visits:

Guochangfa (2020) No. 50

People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions under The State Council:

The Measures for Formulating Regulations on Information Disclosure of Public Enterprises and Institutions have been approved by The State Council and are hereby issued to you. Please implement them carefully。

General Office of the State Council

December 7, 2020

(This article is released to the public)

Measures for formulating regulations on information disclosure by public enterprises and institutions

Article 1 For the purpose of establishing and improving the information disclosure system of public enterprises and institutions,We will further promote information disclosure in public enterprises and institutions,We will strengthen supervision and management of public enterprises and institutions,We will improve the services of public enterprises and institutions,We will better safeguard the vital interests of the people,Help optimize the business environment,According to the relevant provisions of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information,Formulate these measures。

Article 2 The relevant competent departments under The State Council shall, in accordance with Article 55 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information and the requirements of these Measures, formulate or revise the provisions on the disclosure of information of public enterprises and institutions in the fields of education, health, water supply, power supply, gas supply, heating, environmental protection and public transportation。

The competent departments of government information disclosure throughout the country shall gradually expand the scope of application of these Measures according to the economic and social development and actual work。

第三条 制定公共企事业单位2024欧洲杯下注平台规定,要以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,坚持依法依规、便民实用、稳步推进的原则。

Article 4 The provisions on information disclosure of public enterprises and institutions shall define the subject of application, and may be generally applicable to all public enterprises and institutions in the field, or only apply to some public enterprises and institutions in the field。Where conditions are met, a list of applicable entities may be listed。

The main points of application of the information disclosure provisions of public enterprises and institutions include: public enterprises and institutions with dominant market position, strong public attributes, and directly related to the health and life safety of the people, or public enterprises and institutions with prominent information asymmetry problems and service objects, and need to focus on strengthening supervision。

Article 5 The information disclosure methods of public enterprises and institutions shall mainly be made public on their own initiative, and in principle they shall not be made public according to application。Where the information disclosure provisions of public enterprises and institutions make provisions for disclosure in accordance with the application, the handling period, handling method, supervision and relief channels shall be clearly defined to ensure that the disclosure procedures in accordance with the application are operable。

The information disclosure regulations of public enterprises and institutions shall require public enterprises and institutions to set up information disclosure consultation Windows, establish and improve corresponding working mechanisms, strengthen communication and consultation, respond to concerns within a limited time, optimize consulting services, and meet the personalized information needs of service objects and the public。The setting method of the information disclosure consultation window is mainly to open a hotline or a website interactive exchange platform, accept on-site consultation, etc., and pay attention to the integration of customer service hotlines and mobile clients of public enterprises and institutions, so as to avoid improperly increasing the burden of public enterprises and institutions。

Article 6 The information disclosure provisions of public enterprises and institutions shall flexibly determine the disclosure channels according to the actual situation, and put forward requirements for strengthening daily management and maintenance。In determining the open channels, we should adhere to the principle of being pragmatic and effective, adapting to local conditions and preventing "one-size-fits-all".。

Article 7 The information disclosure provisions of public enterprises and institutions shall clearly list the disclosure content and time limit requirements in the form of a list, and dynamically adjust according to the actual situation。

In determining what to disclose, you should insist on doing your best and doing your best, focusing on the following information:

(1) Service information closely related to the daily production and life of the people;

(2) Information that has a significant impact on the business environment;

(3) Information directly related to the vital interests of the service object;

(4) Information concerning production safety and personal and property safety of consumers;

(5) Information that is highly concerned by public opinion and reflects more problems;

(6) Other important information that should be disclosed。

In principle, the disclosure content is mainly long-term disclosure, and if it involves the content of periodic disclosure such as publicity, it should be distinguished and special provisions should be made。

Article 8 The supervision method of information disclosure of public enterprises and institutions shall be based on appeals to the competent departments at all levels, and in principle shall not include application for administrative reconsideration or filing administrative litigation。Where laws or administrative regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail。

The competent departments at all levels shall establish a special working system, clearly define the time limit for handling, and timely handle complaints about information disclosure of public enterprises and institutions in accordance with the law。

Article 9 The information disclosure provisions of public enterprises and institutions shall include special responsibility clauses, and strengthen the implementation of responsibility by means of informing criticism, ordering rectification, and administrative punishment。The administrative penalty set by the provisions on information disclosure of public enterprises and institutions shall be based on the power of administrative penalty granted to relevant competent departments by relevant laws and administrative regulations。

Article 10 The formulation of information disclosure provisions for public enterprises and institutions shall adhere to scientific and democratic legislation, fully listen to the opinions of the service objects, public enterprises and institutions, trade associations, representatives of the masses, experts and scholars, and actively adopt reasonable suggestions。

Article 11 The information disclosure provisions of public enterprises and institutions shall properly handle the relationship between information disclosure and other important interests such as state secrets, public security, industrial security, trade secrets, and personal information protection, and pay attention to distinguishing information disclosure from business inquiry services。

Article 12 The information disclosure provisions of public enterprises and institutions shall strengthen the connection with the information disclosure of listed companies, enterprise information disclosure and other relevant systems, and comprehensively consider the provisions of laws, administrative regulations and rules on the information disclosure of public enterprises and institutions in the field。

Article 13 Information disclosure provisions of public enterprises and institutions shall be formulated in the form of regulations。If the conditions for the formulation of regulations are not mature, normative documents can be formulated first, and regulations can be formulated as soon as possible after the conditions are mature。

Article 14 These Measures shall be interpreted by the national government information disclosure department。

Article 15 These Measures shall come into force as of January 1, 2021。

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