• 806597143/2024-683514
  • Notice of the People's Government of Zhaodong City on printing and distributing the management measures of the "Three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system of Zhaodong City
  • Zhaozheng Regulation (2024) No. 1
  • 2024-04-15

Notice of the People's Government of Zhaodong City on printing and distributing the management measures of the "Three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system of Zhaodong City

日期:2024-04-15 来源:government-run Visits:

People's Government of Zhaodong Town, sub-district offices, relevant units directly under the Municipal government:

    The "Zhaodong City" Three guarantees in front of the responsibility system management Measures "has been discussed and adopted at the third executive meeting of the Municipal Government in 2024, and is now issued to you, please earnestly implement。

                                                                                                    Zhaodong City People's Government    
                                                                                                    April 15, 2024   

Zhaodong City "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system management

    Article 1 To fully mobilize social forces to participate in urban management,We will build a model of urban governance featuring multiple, co-governance and positive interactions,We will improve urban management,To build a modern civilized city with beautiful environment, clean city appearance and happy life,According to the Regulations of Heilongjiang Province on the Management of Urban Appearance and Environmental Health, Regulations of Heilongjiang Province on the Removal of Snow and Ice, Regulations of Suihua City on the Management of Urban Appearance and Environmental Health and other regulations,Combined with the reality of our city,Formulate these measures。
    Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the urban areas of this municipality。
    Article 3 The "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system referred to in these measures refers to the "three guarantees in front of the door" responsible person within the scope of the responsibility area, in accordance with the requirements of "sanitation, greening, and order", the urban appearance and environmental health management responsibility system。
    Article 4 The "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system shall implement the principle of "hierarchical responsibility, combination of strips and blocks, and block based"。
    Article 5 The Municipal Market Supervision Administration is the leading department for the implementation of the "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system,The city city management comprehensive law enforcement Bureau is the competent department to implement the "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system,The specific responsible organization of the four communities signed the "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility letter with the responsible person,Improve the management grid,Conduct daily supervision;The city city management comprehensive law enforcement Bureau is responsible for setting up the "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility sign plate in accordance with the unified standard;Municipal Publicity Department, Municipal Public Security Bureau, Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Municipal Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, Municipal Commerce Bureau, Municipal Committee Network Information Office, Municipal finance media center, Xiyuan community, Zhengyang community, Chaoyang community, Dongsheng community, Zhaodong Town and other relevant departments do a good job according to the division of responsibilities。
    Article 6 The public and the media are encouraged to supervise and complain and report acts that do not fulfill the "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system。
    Article 7 The owner, user or manager of fronted buildings (including other facilities and places, the same below) is the person responsible for the "three guarantees in front of the door" (hereinafter referred to as the responsible person), determined according to the following standards:
    (1) The owner, user or property management unit of the building on both sides of the road shall be responsible for the area between the exterior facades of the buildings on both sides of the road and the kerb;
    (b) stations (including railway stations, bus passenger stations) and cultural, sports, entertainment, sightseeing, parks and other places, the management (operation) unit is the "front three guarantees" responsible person;
    (3) Market, open-air market, exhibition and sales venues, shopping malls, the management (operation) unit is the person responsible for the "three guarantees in front of the door";
    (4) Organs, organizations, troops, enterprises and institutions are responsible for the "three guarantees in front of the door";
    (e) office buildings and other places do not implement property management, the local community is responsible;The implementation of property management, the property management enterprise for the "front three guarantees" responsible person。
    Article 8 The scope of responsibility of all organs, enterprises and institutions and businesses facing the street: the overall length of buildings along the street shall be transverse, and the kerb from the foundation of the building (including the wall) to the road shall be longitudinal;If there are no kerbs, the boundary shall be the edge of the road。
    Article 9 If the person responsible for the "three guarantees in front of the door" or the area of responsibility is not clear, it shall be determined by the local community;If the person responsible or the area of responsibility is not clear, it shall be determined by the municipal government。
    Article 10 "Three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility requirements:
    (1) Package sanitation: clean the responsible area, so that there is no garbage and debris, the ground should be kept clean and tidy all day, no cigarette butts, no paper scraps, no plastic bags, no sewage in summer, no snow in winter。The parking space designated in front of the merchant is a public area, and the merchant shall be responsible for the environmental health of the corresponding parking area in front of the gate according to the requirements of the "three guarantees in front of the gate"。
    In winter, snow is the order, the snow stops immediately cleaning, and the snow must be pushed to the roadside below to facilitate centralized clearance。Snow shall not be piled into the green belt, and shall not interfere with traffic。
    If there is a violation of these Measures,In accordance with the Regulations on Urban Snow and Ice Removal of Heilongjiang Province, Article 23: Units and individuals violate the provisions of these Regulations,Under any of the following circumstances,The municipal department in charge of snow and ice removal or the department with relatively centralized administrative punishment power shall order rectification within a time limit;Not corrected within the time limit,Administrative penalties shall be imposed in accordance with the following provisions: Those who fail to clean the ice and snow in accordance with the prescribed time limit and standards,Impose a fine of 30 yuan per square meter;Failing to stack snow and ice in accordance with regulations,Impose a fine of 50 yuan per cubic meter;Throwing snow, ice or liquid on roads, squares or other public areas, or dumping garbage and sewage on snowdrifts,A fine of 500 yuan。”
    The domestic waste generated by various organs, enterprises and public institutions and street-facing businesses should be sorted and cleaned in time and poured into the mobile garbage collection car, and should not be stacked outdoors when the collection car is not prompted by the music。Restaurant owners shall not put food waste out of the city, all into the food waste car, to keep the city clean, sanitary and clean。Those who fail to dispose of household waste and kitchen waste in accordance with the provisions of Article 42, paragraph 9, of the Regulations on the Administration of Urban Appearance and Environmental Hygiene of Heilongjiang Province shall be fined between 100 yuan and 500 yuan。
    (2) Package greening: It is prohibited to dry clothes and hang articles in guardrail, utility pole, tree, green belt, etc.;If there is any violation of these measures, it will be in accordance with the provisions of Article 41, paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the Administration of Urban Appearance and Environmental Health of Heilongjiang Province,Drying clothes or hanging articles in guardrail, electric pole, tree, green belt, wall, etc,Order correction;recalcitrant,A fine of $100 was imposed。
    (3) Package order: responsible for preventing disorderly stalls in front of the door, occupying the road operation, clutter, merchants shall not operate outside the store, operation, road repair, display goods or display items。
    No government organ, enterprise or public institution and any storefront business owner shall put up any graffiti on buildings,If there is a violation of these Measures,It shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 41, paragraph 10, of the Regulations on the Administration of Urban Appearance and Environmental Health of Heilongjiang Province,Spraying, scribbling or Posting indiscriminately on trees, buildings, structures, municipal facilities or on the ground,Order removal,And impose a fine of between 200 yuan and 500 yuan for each。
    Merchants facing the street shall not occupy the road on both sides of the road and around the square for processing, operation and stacking of goods,If there is a violation of these Measures,In accordance with the provisions of Article 41, paragraph 4, of the Regulations on the Administration of Urban Appearance and Environmental Health of Heilongjiang Province,Conducting off-store operations, operations, displaying commodities and placing articles on both sides of the road and around the square,Order to stop the illegal act,Liquidation within a time limit;Failing to clean up within the time limit or continuing the illegal act,They may temporarily withhold their business instruments,And impose a fine of between 200 yuan and 500 yuan。
    Street car repair business and brush shop (point) shall not occupy road maintenance, cleaning vehicles, if there is a violation, in accordance with the "Suihua City City appearance and environmental health management Regulations" Article 53 paragraph 4, ordered to correct, and imposed a fine of more than 500 yuan and less than 2,000 yuan。
    Street front auto repair business and brush shop (point) shall not occupy the road to park to repair, to wash vehicles, if there is a violation, according to the Suihua City City appearance and environmental health management Regulations, article 46, item 4, a fine of 100 yuan。
    Article 11 The implementation of the "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility target management, sign a letter of responsibility, the signed letter of responsibility should be clear about the scope of the specific responsibility area, responsibility requirements, and other content, and in the responsible person's office or business premises and other prominent position publicity。
    Article 12 The responsible person and manager of the "three guarantees in front of the door" shall do their due diligence, act in accordance with the law, manage in a civilized manner, do a good job of the "three guarantees in front of the door" within the responsibility area as required, and accept the supervision and inspection of the relevant units。The person in charge of the "three guarantees in front of the House" and the manager shall have the right to stop any violation of the provisions of the "three guarantees in front of the House" in the area of responsibility and report to the relevant administrative department。
    Article 13 Social publicity and commendation shall be given to units and individual industrial and commercial businesses that perform well in the "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system。
    Article 14 Those who obstruct the implementation of the "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system and refuse to cooperate with the managers in performing their official duties shall be punished by the public security organs in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Penalties for Public Security Administration。
    Article 15 These measures shall be interpreted by the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau of Zhaodong City Administration。
    Article 16 These Measures shall come into force on April 20, 2024 and be valid for five years。

Chart interpretation:On the "Zhaodong City" three guarantees in front of the responsibility system management measures "interpretation

Text interpretation:On the "Zhaodong City" three guarantees in front of the responsibility system management measures "interpretation

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